Tarek Fatah Report by K4Catatlyst

Source: https://k4catalyst.wordpress.com/2012/12/30/tarekfatahbigot1/

Warning Graphic Photos Ahead.

This man resides in Canada, enjoys great attention from the Canadian media, and yet is able to openly incite hatred leading to terrorism and murder in countries abroad. He regularly promotes hatred against various ethnic, racial, ideological and lingual groups. We have captured one month of twitter outbursts from this hate monger and displayed them for you along with the results of his incitement…for your review. Please take the time to look through this if you wish to preserve tolerance and intellectual honesty….just one month’s tweets are so damning in our opinion…we wonder what will be uncovered once we dug further into this man’s activities.

We ask you to be the judge. If you feel as we do that this man should not enjoy the protections of a multicultural country like Canada, please report him to the appropriate authorities and make your voice heard by responding on twitter at #TarekFatahBigot and by writing to his employers at the Toronto Sun, Huffington Post and wherever else he has managed to plant himself.

Tarek Fatah Photo

First, a quick look at one of his tweets about Pakistan being a legitimate target of armed Baloch militants….he is referring to a sovereign country, a member of the UN and an ally in the War on Terror (regardless of the ups and downs), as an occupying Islamic army. This may be well and good from a “Freedom of speech” point of view, but not when he is saying it directly to the militants who, you see in the next pictures, are actually announcing and cheering atrocities against helpless civilians in real time- this could only be coming from first hand knowledge since the media did not cover most of these stories until much later. In one of our other posts on this blog, we have shown that these militants openly discussed the murder of Pakistanis on twitter and announced official twitter addresses for their various terrorist leaders. This makes Mr Tarek Fatah the Canadian cell of that terrorist infrastructure!

Straight from the horse’s mouth @tarekfatah on 26/12/2012 and see the results in the next image taken on 29/12/2012 in which scores died –

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Here is a gruesome result of the Baloch terrorism that Mr Fatah is cheering on. This women was killed because she was a Punjabi and there is currently a campaign of ethnic cleansing taking place in Balochistan…a campaign which, you will see in this document, Mr Fatah is fanning the flames for.

Here is a statement of condemnation from Human Rights Watch

Pakistan: Balochistan Militants Killing Teachers


“Militant groups’ grievances against the Pakistani state are no excuse for shooting teachers dead,” said Ali Dayan Hasan, senior South Asia researcher at Human Rights Watch. “By killing teachers, harming students, and targeting schools, militants only increase Balochistan’s problems and deprive its youth of the benefits of education.”

Education falls in the crosshairs of three distinct violent conflicts in Balochistan: militant Baloch nationalist groups seeking separation or autonomy for Balochistan target Punjabis and other minorities;……


teachers killed by BLA

This is a more detailed report from Human Rights Watch about Baloch terrorist groups killing carrying our a campaign of ethnic cleansing in addition to killing teachers, barbers, laborers, government servants, security personnel, law enforcement, etc. http://www.hrw.org/node/94653

Mr Fatah actually declares War on a sovereign country from the comfort of his living room in Canada on 26/12/2012. 3 days later, blasts rock Pakistan as Mr Fatah cheers on and incites hatred against its people.

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29/12/2012 – Baloch Militants claim responsibility for terror attack – scores dead

Karachi Carnage


“A relatively unknown militant organisation calling itself Lashkar-e-Balochistan claimed responsibility for the blast…”

A few of Mr Fatah’s twitter associates who also happen to be Baloch militants cheering this terrorism. This is taken on 29/12/2012…just hours after the terror attack in Karachi

Baloch Terrorism 1

This is Mr Fatah discussing how to promote a media campaign in the West on behalf of the Baloch militants…also on 29/12/2012

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Here he boasts about having been in jail in Balochistan and having been a part of the Baloch militant groups. The group in question is the BSO….he is well connected with the terrorists. This is on 26/12/2012

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A group of Baloch militants in their hideout. Mr Fatah feels that they are freedom fighters…the same way supporters of Al Qaeda believe about them.

baloch militants

14/5/2012 – Note Mr Fatah refers to the terrorists as an “independence group”. This is a group he claims to have been a member of, one that he supports, provides media support to in particular, and here he is tweeting their warnings as an endorsement of their policies. This is not paranoia that leads us to this conclusion, but the entirety of the evidence against him

Warning to China - Tarek Fatah

17/7/2012 – Baloch militants detonate bomb outside Chinese consulate to warn China



This young man was abducted and killed by the BLF headed by London, UK based Herbyar Marri, for whom Mr Tarek Fatah sings praises and refers to as a Baloch Leader.


Bahram Baloch, blf,Balochistan, kill and dump

Some more information on Baloch Terrorism. We encourage you the reader to Google this information yourself and see the campaign of ethnic cleansing being carried out by Baloch terrorists. You can google ‘Killing Punjabis Balochistan’, ‘Baloch militant’, ‘Baloch terrorism’…we also encourage you to check out youtube videos of Baloch leaders living in Western countries openly saying they wish to expel other ethnic groups from Balochistan and are willing to terrorize to enforce it. When you combine this knowledge with what we show you below about Mr Fatah’s incitement of hatred, we feel you will have no choice but to agree with us that action must be taken against him for misusing the trust bestowed upon him by his adopted homeland, Canada.  

http://www.examiner.com/article/baloch-racist-extremists-of-blf-kill-three-innocent-punjabi-youths (Baloch racist extremists of BLF kill three innocent Punjabi youths)

http://tribune.com.pk/story/404625/18-pilgrims-killed-in-turbat-bus-attack/  (18 Punjabis killed in Bus attack)

http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2010-08-14/pakistan/28299091_1_quetta-gunmen-shot-separate-incidents (16 Punjabis shot dead in Balochistan

http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries/pakistan/Balochistan/index.html     (134 Pujabis killed in Balochistan)

http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2012/07/23/news/national/lashkar-e-balochistan-claims-responsibility-of-karachi-blast/ (Lashkar-e-Balochistan claims responsibility for bombing)

Lets now take a look at who Mr Fatah is –

From 1996 until 2006 he hosted Muslim Chronicle, a weekly Toronto-based current affairs discussion show on CTS and VisionTV which focussed on the Muslim community.  Fatah interviewed notables such as journalist Husain Haqqani, author Tariq Ali, and Mubin Shaikh.

Fatah has also written opinion pieces for various publications including TIME Magazine, the Toronto Star, the National Post and the Globe and Mail.

He has also been a guest host of TVO’s The Agenda filling in for Steve Paikin. In February 2007, Fatah was included by Maclean’s magazine on a list of 50 Canadians described as “Canada’s most well known and respected personalities.”.[8] In December 2008, Canada’s largest circulating newspaper, the Toronto Star, suggested to Prime Minister Stephen Harper that he appoint Fatah to one of the vacant seats in the Canadian Senate.[9] Toronto Star’s senior editor Bob Hepburn wrote this about Fatah: “A prominent spokesperson for secular and progressive Muslim issues who would bring a much-needed unique perspective to the Senate.”

From May to September 2009, Fatah co-hosted the “Strong Opinions Show” on Toronto’s CFRB 1010. After the show’s cancellation he joined CFRB’s Moore in the Morning program as a commentator.

Starting in September, 2010, Fatah joined Ryan Doyle as a co-host of “Friendly Fire,” the evening show on CFRB 1010. He currently hosts a Sunday afternoon show, The Tarek Fatah Show and appears as a commentator on other CFRB shows. He also writes a column for the Toronto Sun and appears on the Sun News Network as a frequent guest host and commentator.

At one point Mr Fatah was one of the many founding members of the Muslim Canadian Congress which he then had a bitter splt with. According to reports he gave to the media at the time, the split occurred when some members of the MCC’s former board marched in a Toronto anti-war rally where banners and photographs supporting Hezbollah‘s Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad were paraded. While the current members of the MCC wanted nothing to do with Hezbollah, it was claimed that other executive members participated or supported the demonstrations, and resigned and formed the new CMU the next day. This version of events is challenged in the resignation statement published by the exiting board members, which cited their belief that the Muslim Canadian Congress could no longer achieve its goal of influencing the Muslim community.[11] According to some who split with Fatah, he and other Board members had participated in several earlier demonstrations where the same banners were displayed by some members of the crowd, including two just weeks before the split. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarek_Fatah

He has come a long way since his days as a reporter for the Karachi Sun in the 1970s in Pakistan. He migrated to Canada roughly 25 years ago, after which he has become adept at exploiting fear and xenophobia to advance his career.

Mr Fatah joins Fox News and Neocons in hounding Hillary Clintons Chief of Staff for being born a Muslim

Tarek Fatah had the distinction of being one of the voices that joined Michelle Bachman in accusing Hillary Clinton Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, of having “ties” with the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. He writes in the Huffington Post which surprisingly allows such a person to use their platform – http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/tarek-fatah/bachman-muslim-brotherhood_b_1707362.html

The problem is that we now find out that Huma Abedin herself was, until late 2008, not only a member of her mother’s Islamist organization, the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), she was an assistant editor.

Andrew McCarthy, who was the lead prosecutor at the 1995 terrorism trial of the Blind Sheik writes that past mastheads of the IMMA’s journal have Huma Abedin listed as an assistant editor (to her mother, the editor-in-chief) as far back as 1996, the year she began interning at the Clinton White House.

“The IMMA,” he writes “was started in Saudi Arabia in the 1970s by Huma Abedin’s parents, with the backing of Abdullah Omar Naseef … former secretary-general of the Muslim World League, which… has long been the Muslim Brotherhood’s principal vehicle for the international propagation of Islamic supremacist ideology. Under the auspices of the MWL, Naseef not only backed the IMMA, he founded the Rabita Trust, which … is a specially designated international terrorist organization under federal law.

The sooner Huma Abedin steps up to the plate and clears the air, the better it will be for all of us…..… All she needs to do is say she does not share the Islamist political ideology of her mother and that mother and daughter differ comprehensively in their views about the role of women in society. Once that is done, this father of two Muslim daughters will once again celebrate Huma Abedin as my own, as a shining example of what North America offers to its Muslim citizens, if they deserve it. 

Here is how Mr Fatah deals with little girls whose Tweets he finds offensive!

Here Mr Fatah writes articles in newspapers about the threatening tweets he gets from teenage girls in Toronto while his incitement of hatred has very real consequences in places like Balochistan….and its not little girls using twitter that you need to be afraid of in Balochistan.


“Xaar boy means s— boy,” said Fatah, a moderate Muslim and author of The Jew is Not My Enemy. “I may be originally from Pakistan but I know Somali slang.” Note – he says that he is from Pakistan, a state whose legitimacy and existence he takes turns denying.

Now lets take a look at Mr Fatah’s own hateful tweeting.Keep in mind that this record is just for the month of December 2012…clearly this man has been doing this for a long time. We ask for your patience in reviewing this record and forming your own honest conclusions. In this record he has shown many of his colors; from racism against Arabs and Persians and Pakistanis (though he himself is a Pakistani)…Islamophobia and he even openly discussing incredibly self serving reasons for wanting to “Own” the Malala Yousufzai story.

29/12/2012 – We think this needs no explanation. Particularly in light of ethnic cleansing of Punjabis from Balochistan (for those who don’t know). This is classic dehumanization.

Tarik Fatah and Baloch Terrorism

29/12/2012 – Here Mr Fatah doesn’t disappoint. He announces the death of Pakistan in one breath and advises his Balochi terrorist associates how to manage media relations by exploiting a teenage girl who is neither a Balochi, nor a Tarek Fatah supporter. He says Pakistan, a nation of 180 million, is doomed and dehumanizes its people.

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29/12/2012 – Here Mr Fatah advises Baloch militants, who are tweeting about their terrorist cause, how to manage their media campaign like an “AK 47”. He knows full well that the AK47 is the weapon of choice for terrorists in Pakistan and most deaths that don’t occur from explosives occur from AK47s. He is saying this even as news has broken that Baloch militants have exploded a bomb in a public bus killing scores….see above news . What is the “prize” he is referring to below? Since he announced a war of independence against the Government of Pakistan, the prize he is referring to is an independent Balochistan without all the Punjabis Mr Fatah and his associates despise…oddly, Mr Fatah himself is a Punjabi…at least according to him. This makes it clear he is totally involved in Baloch militancy, in supporting, promoting and justifying…who knows if there is funding and other activities involved…it went beyond our scope to investigate.

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29/12/2012 – Mr Fatah reveals his selfish motives for trying to “Own” the Malala Yousufzai story. For those who don’t know, she is a teenage girl from a totally different province of Pakistan who was attacked by the Taliban for her support for girl’s education. Mr Fatah, never one to miss an opportunity, is angling to get in on the action and suggesting a smart media strategy for his Baloch militant associates.  This is what is said publicly on twitter, one doesn’t need to wonder how bad his record is in private. This tweet also explains why Mr Fatah has Malala Yousufzai as his background image…what a shallow opportunist he is.

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29/12/2012 – You can see the image of one of Mr Fatah’s associates in this twitter rant. He is holding an AK47, the weapon Mr Fatah suggests they learn to use. He is proudly announcing casualties of Pakistani government personnel, proclaiming his terrorist cause, and acknowledging that his Balochi brethren have claimed responsibility for the Karachi terrorist bus bombing that day. They are all discussing casualties, intelligence, media strategy and dehumanization of the people of Pakistan. The difference is, that Mr Fatah is doing so from the comfort of Canada where he enjoys status and plenty of media coverage to air his hateful views.

Baloch Terrorism 1

29/12/2012 – More of the same from this AK47 wielding terrorist. Unforgivable that Twitter has enabled this militant infrastructure to work so effectively to communicate.

Baloch Terrorism 4

29/12/2012 – In his rants he has not left any ethnic group in Pakistan untouched  by his campaign of hatred. He refers to Sindhis as traitors, Pashtuns as truckers, Punjabis are colonialists with identity crisis and will destroy Pakistan, Urdu is a colonial tool of oppression….it is hard to keep track of all the negative stereotypes this man promotes hatred of from one tweet to the next.  Note also above the very real environment of ethnic cleansing of Punjabis from Balochistan…and Mr Fatah is shamelessly cheering it on even though he himself refers to himself as a Punjabi. Extremely strange man! Keep in mind that the groups he is dehumanizing are also the subjects of ethnic cleansing campaigns from Mr Fatah’s Balochi associates.

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27/12/2012 – Lest his bigotry be confined to the Indian subcontinent, Mr Fatah rants against Arabs as racists and oppressors and asks why they’re not targets.

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27/12/2012 – It is one thing to disagree with people, it is an entirely different matter to dehumanize them and call them termites! This man is a public figure who writes for and appears on major media outlets in Canada!

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29/12/20 – Again, in another tweet he goes on to refer to Muslims as ugly…he throws in some anti-Punjabi reference just to spice it up. He claims to have been a member of Mukti Bahini, a group that reciprocated massacres for massacre during the partitioning of Pakistan and Bangladesh.  One wonders when he found time to do that, and if he did, was he engaged in the killing? He does have the requisite hatred.

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26/12/2012 – Just a few days before the latest terrorist bombing carried out by Balochi militants…a bombing which was proudly announced by Mr Fatah’s Balochi associates on twitter. Mr Fatah below fully endorses the armed militancy of the AK47 wielding terrorists and refers to a UN member country as an “Occupying Islamic Army”…thus dehumanizing and de-legitimizing the people and country who are to be attacked by his associates.

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26/12/2012 – In this tweet Mr Fatah is claiming to have spent a year in jail in Balochistan and years in the very terrorist organizations that are now carrying out bombings and killing law enforcement personnel in Pakistan. (i.e. the BSO). One wonders how Mr Fatah got around do writing for the Karachi Sun, massacring Pakistanis with the Mukti Bahini in the 70s and then again rising up against Pakistan 2000km to the West in Balochistan…all of this just before migrating to Canada to start his career on Huffington Post and Toronto Sun.

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26/12/2012 – Just 3 days before the latest terrorist bombing, Mr Fatah once again announces a war against a United Nations Member country. It would not be taken n that context if it were not for the volumes of tweets that say otherwise.

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26/12/2012 – Here Mr Fatah is engaging with Balochi militants and talking about giving coverage to an anti-government, anti-military media campaign. While everybody is entitled to free speech and their opinion, these people have declared war and have already been ethnically cleansing the Balochistan province to make way for an ethnically pure state for themselves. He is asking for details of troops, regiments and casualties to be emailed to him from people involved with the insurgent groups. They are all high fiving themselves about the “freedom struggle” which in actuality is a well documented campaign of terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

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26/12/2012 – Here Mr Fatah betrays his true motivations…he is not even satisfied with Canada; he would like a modern day John F Kennedy to come to office in the US and ask him to join the administration. He rails against Justin Trudeau, who argues for multiculturalism and tolerance, because he feels that he was “shut out”…maybe because he  is a bigot who works tirelessly to advance himself and grabs the spotlight by exploiting any opportunity he gets, whether it is a victimized little girl in a third world country, or the fears of a western audience, or an Al Qaeda-like terrorist movement in Pakistan that he has managed to cloak in legitimacy. However, on 12/12/12 Mr Fatah demonstrates his feelings about Americans….that they’re dumb. At least Mr Fatah is an equal opportunity bigot!

Tarik Fatah and Baloch Terrorism 13 - his true motivation getting hired

25/12/2012 – Here he criticizes the “Baloch Leadership”, or the exiled terrorists, as being incompetent and ineffective in delegitimizing Pakistan through Washington. One assumes that Mr Fatah would be eager to plant himself in Washington and angle for leadership of the Balochi people were it not for the fact that he comes from the very Punjabi group that he is dehumanizing and labelling as the enemy of the Baloch. Wonder what the strategy is.

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25/12/2012 – Here he openly calls for the destruction of Pakistan, a nation of 180 million people, which he called home until he found greener pastures elsewhere. He spews hatred against the people of Pakistan, this time with discriminating on the basis of ethnicity and instead dishing it out to all..as illiterate in their mother tongue, contrived identities and false ancestry. In other words, he delegitimized the state and the people ….this plays a key role in legitimizing the terrorism of the Balochis that he’s cheerleading in his other tweets. This tweet is on 25/12/2012 and 5 days later, those people with false ancestry and contrived identities got blown up in a bus just bcs they were there.

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25/12/2012 – Again on 25/12/2012 Mr Fatah is railing against Pakistan and Punjabs in particular. He is taunting Pakistanis and de-legitimizing the right to exist for an entire country as he keeps harping on about splitting it up, its not even alive anymore and there is nothing left of it. Does he regret his words and does he accept that he has been inciting hatred?!

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24/12/2012 – Mr Fatah here is speaking particularly to white liberals…one wonders why it is that particular segment that appeals to him and not society as a whole. He is speaking to white people about the dangers of Islam and “Islamofascism”, a term likely invented by the Klu Klux Klan, which probably would not receive Mr Fatah too kindly though it wouldn’t be for his lack of trying to fit in.

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24/12/2012 – Agan, Mr Fatah loves to engage in stereotypes with his characterization of Muslims being driven by their penises and obsessed with the sexuality of women. He refers to himself as morally superior and ridicules people who wear a hijab or niqab, though he clever inserts the word “forces” to make it a little less hateful…didn’t really help Tarek.  Mr Fatah is such fanatical about his desire to see Muslims hounded that he does not wish to allow them freedom of speech, thought or association. Merely being opposed to secularism is sufficient ground for Mr Fatah to label you a potential terrorist..and you only need to follow his tweets to get his suggestions on which overseas hellholes potential terrorists should be shipped off to.  Must be great to be so morally superior..the rest of us can only try but it comes so easy to some.

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23/12/2012 – Never one to fall short of stereotypes, here Mr Fatah is saying that Abu Dhabi, the 3rd richest city on earth, doesn’t have libraries..thereby perpetuating the image of the uneducated Bedouin with no access to books. He makes fun of the other twitter user’s apparently less than perfect English by suggesting ESL classes and having the audacity to thereafter call HIM a “hateful bully”. I think we all know who the hateful bully is Tarek..and if the Canadian authorities are doing their job, they should be paying you a visit to send you back to Balochistan where you have your loyalties. Portray yourself as a true freedom loving western liberal all you like, your own words betray you.

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23/12/2012 – Mr Fatah’s hate just doesn’t doesn’t confine itself to any group…he hates everybody equally. Here he suggests that middle class Pakistanis are in-breds who suffer from abnormalities bcs of the incestuous relationship of their cousin-parents. How grotesquely hateful Mr Fatah…have you even seen the mirror lately?! It is a known fact that Baloch militants use the same stereotypes of other ethnic groups to dehumanize them…Mr Fatah is very aware of this since he seems to be their media adviser.

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22/12/2012 – More stereotyping and dehumanizing. This time people who choose to keep beards or women who cover their hair.

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21/12/2012 – Put this statement side by side with his desire to be a part of a US administration (in another tweet above) and you realize that he’s exploiting xenophobia to advance his career.

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19/12/2012 – Here Mr Fatah is discussing the ultimate aim of his terrorist cause; to break up a sovereign nation along ethnic lines…note the distinctions between Balochis and Pashtuns. Is this consistent with the Canadian values he so loudly proclaims in his most holier than thou way to be the ultimate representative of? He is also quoting the “Charter” provided by terrorist leader, Hyrbyar Marri, whose victims number in the hundreds…just one of whose faces we have shown at the top of this article. Mr Fatah is directly supporting Terrorism here!

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18/12/2012 – Again, more hate comments based on ethnicity. Here Mr Fatah claims that Arabs hate Pakistanis and Indians..this is a constant theme with him. He says that Egypt would not want to be compared to Pakistan for the same reasons…nothing to back it up…just hate filled rants from an opportunist seeking to get to know the famous US based journalist, Tom Friedman.  Once again he expressed his desire to see a sovereign nation carved up on ethnic lines, for which he has been fanning the flames eagerly.

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18/12/2012 – Despite his intense hatred for a Pakistan that he dehumanizes and de-legitimizes daily, his contempt for Arabs and the Arab world is, according to his own admission, even more rabid.  Lest you think you may be left out and it ends there, please keep reading for his comments about Persians, Ahmadis, Shias, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and anybody else whose stereotyping may earn him additional media attention or a following among fringe groups.  The fact that he re-tweeted the disparaging remark below about Hispanics shows he endorses that view also.

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18/12/2012 – One hardly knows what to make of this odd series of tweets. You`re less liberal (or Canadian) if your prayer is in a language other than English? And of course, Mr Fatah is the self proclaimed authoritative voice of liberalism in Canada..and if he has his way, in the White House south of the border.

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18/12/2012 – Once again resort to stereotyping about Arabs treating others badly….which Arabs is he referring to? All Arabs all over the world? And if you thought he would spare the Persians, you were wrong…they too are treated with scorn by Mr Fatah, who labels them as racists also. No distinction at all….just all Persians! Then back to his favorite topic, the de-legitimization of people from Pakistan, a country of 180 million people. One wonders how much of the world Mr Fatah would like to disenfranchise and demonize. Maybe a more extensive e review of his history would reveal that Mr Fatah may find himself more at home at a separate international space station built specially for him..one without other pesky ethnic and lingual groups or those whom he disagrees with.

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17/12/2012 – Of course you had to know that Mr Fatah would be a fan of Salman Rushdie. However, this is one person even Mr Rushdie may wish to distance himself from.

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16/12/2012 – My God…what is the point of this ethnic and religious ranting? He would like to promote the idea in Pakistan that Jews defeated them militarily….sure Mr Fatah…what could possibly go wrong when you say things like that?

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16/12/2012 – On the one hand Mr Fatah accused Muslims of being perverts..on the other..that this man of 60+ years old is discussing young girls in such a manner once again reveals his depraved mentality. We have heard of rapists talking about how the victim wanted it; well, here Mr Fatah is accusing these girls of craving the attention of men….they seem to have his attention anyway. Referring to girls as young as 20 years old as “craving” and “exotic”…..he keeps stooping to new lows.

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14/12/2012 – Now even Mr Justin Trudeau is accused of being a Sharia proponent and Muslim Brotherhood stooge…code for being a “terrorist sympathizer” in Mr Fatah’s xenophobic circles. Mr Trudeau is a mainstream liberal politician whom Mr Fatah takes every opportunity to paint as a terrorist sympathizer. The key n this case is that the “terrorists” he is referring to are ordinary Canadian citizens who follow the Islamic faith. Spreading hatred is Mr Fatah’s game.

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14/12/2012 – demonizing is not saved just for Muslims and non-Whites…mr Fatah  is equally comfortable demonizing a mainstream Canadian politician whose father has been Prime Minister of Canada. It’s safe to say that Mr Fatah’s position is that few people in North America have better credentials as a liberal leader than him….even those who have been the voices of Liberalism for generations don’t hold a candle to Mr Fatah.

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13/12/2012 – Mr Fatah has a loyal following among xenophobes and he is always happy to introduce new members to the family as he is doing below. At the same time, he is also demonstrating his multicultural credentials by ridiculing someone who presumably wasn’t able to express themselves in the kind of English that met Mr Fatah’s standards.

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12/12/2012 – If you’re going to accept Mr Fatah’s proposal to join the White House administration, you should also know that he endorses the view that Americans are stupid…thus, he retweets when people mock Americans for their stupidity. While he waits for his White House appointment, Mr Fatah insists that Canadian candidates read speeches written by him…his tweets speak for themselves. None of his fellow xenophobes seems willing to let him know that this foolish emperor indeed has no clothes. Maybe they feel they actually have a shot at this stuff?! May be possible considering this hate mongers rapid rise in Canada’s establishment and media.

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11/12/2012 – Never short of his classics anti-Punjabi rants. Remember the campaign of ethnic cleansing against this group. He’s no friend of China’s either.

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10/12/2012 – More and more anti Punjabi, anti Pakistani, anti Arab ranting from this voice of liberalism. His charge that Pakistanis supported the killing of  Bengalis must be seen in the context of today’s scenario. That Bangladesh tragedies took place over 40 years ago…today he is de-humanizing Pakistanis for the purpose of making it more legitimate to kill them…accusing Pakistanis of being guilty of genocide makes it easier for Balochi terrorists to carry out their terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

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10/12/2012 – Even minorities who have traditionally been victims are not spared by Mr Fatah. Ahmadis and Shias are accused by him of crimes against Sikhs. One assume he means that makes it ok to attack them also…they are part of the Pakistani public also.

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9/12/2012 – A revolting display of xenophobia, stereotyping and objectification of women.

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9/12/2012 – Proudly rounding up his hate mongering activity of the week.

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9/12/2012 – Here is one of the clearest statements from him about Pakistan being a war zone. Placing this along with all his other pronouncements regarding the beginning of a war against the Pakistani state and the terrorism of Mr Fatah’s associates….this makes him directly guilty!

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8/12/2012 – More ethnic hatred being spread by Mr Fatah. The stereotypes of South Asians being 2nd class to Arabs and hounding a Turkish individual for identifying himself as “white”….why do color, language and ethnicity play such prominent roles in Mr Fatah’s senseless rantings?!! Also, being a publc figure who has been on the team of leading Canadian political candidates, one would assume that saying “FU” to someone whom he disagreed with would have been below his dignity…not Mr Fatah…absolutely nothing is beneath this man!

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4/12/2012 – Seems like Mr Fatah is about to take a much needed break. Must need it badly if he thinks that the people who he spreads so much hatred against (Pakistanis) would invite him to be a featured author in local literary festivals. This is just as outlandish as his White House ambitions. He must be bipolar though…where does this desire and the smiley face come from? Does he need to review this document to get up to speed on his own positions?

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3/12/2012 – More de-legitimization of a country of 180 million people which is also suffering from terrorism which Mr Fatah not only supports, but is deeply connected to.

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2/12/2012 – Mr Fatah’s ambitions to advance his career lead him to exploit Islamophobia. How else will he sell his books, write articles and make a name for himself if he doesn’t have a subject to “own”. Whipping up anti-Muslim sentiment is all in a days work for Mr Fatah.

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2/12/2012 – dehumanization is the name of Mr Fatah’s game…whether Canadian liberals or Pakistanis on the other side of the world. Its what sells Tarek Fatah.

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1/12/2012 – It can hardly get any worse than this; Mr Fatah is suggesting that Pakistanis are the product of rape…hence, illegitimate bastards of Arabs..whom Mr Fatah has particular hatred for. He goes on to mock both Arabs and Pakistanis with his cruel comments that seek to dehumanize these people.

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1/12/2012 – It is not clear what point Mr Fatah is trying to make..but clearly he intends it to be an insult to an entire nation of people.

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With that ends our report on Mr Fatah’s incitement of hatred, promotion of terrorism and violence against numerous groups. He is associated with Balochi militants in addition to numerous other dubious individuals and organizations who share common cause in exploiting fear and differences. We do not advocate the use of violence or the breaking of any laws. We do however urge the public to inform all concerned about Mr Tarek Fatah @tarekfatah #tarekfatahbigot . We also encourage you to report him to the authorities, to the Toronto Sun, The Huffington Post, The National Post, The Toronto Star and every other media outlet that has done a public disservice by promoting this hate monger. We urge you to speak to your representatives at the liberal and NDP parties and ensure that Mr Fatah is unwelcome, We furthermore urge the public to put pressure on the Canadian government to rescind Mr Fatah’s nationality and allow him to live in a country more suited to his particular brand of hatred…we are sure he will find a dark hole to live in somewhere…it should not be Canada.

Arent you ashamed of misusing twitter - Tarek Fatah

We don’t think that Mr Fatah appreciates the irony of his comments.

We thank you for taking the time to look through our findings.

Best regards,

K4Catalyst Team

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